As a family of travelers journeying with young kids, we’ve refined our packing strategy to a science. We trim non-essentials in favor of items that provide sanity, security, and savings abroad.

While lodging overseas may exclude certain amenities you take for granted at home, having select key gear alleviates numerous headaches to keep your global adventures rolling smoothly.

From concealed emergency funds to sound soothers ensuring restful sleeps, here are 6 can’t-leave-behind travel essentials when taking your next vacation:

White Noise Machines for a Good Night’s Rest

Unfamiliar city sounds, loud neighbors, weird hotel noises, or snoring family members can all prevent a good night’s rest. And let’s be real, there is no price tag on a good night’s sleep! That’s why we always pack a white noise sound machine with us. The Yogasleep Dohm Classic is our favorite. It has a natural sound and can easily be adjusted to make it louder or softer.

Germ Fighting Wipes & Sanitizers

Exploring open-air markets bursting with exotic smells or touring factories with questionable restroom provisions can elicit sanitation doubts when abroad. But keeping hands, devices, and surfaces clean regardless of the environment brings peace of mind. We always pack:

  • Antibacterial wipes: Sterilize airplane tray tables, dirty restaurant menus, and germ-harboring public surfaces.
  • Hand sanitizer: Cleanse hands when soap and water proves scarce at rural pit stops.

Multi-Purpose Baby Wipes

Beyond infant uses, these moisture-locked cloths tackle travel messes by removing:

  • Clothing stains
  • Splattered food and drinks
  • Smudged fingerprints from phones/tablets/laptops
  • Dirty marks from shoes, sunglasses, and other gear

Long after the baby years, they’ve proved invaluable during every global adventure.

Diaper Rash Cream for the Win!

If you’ve spent any time walking a significant amount in a hot and humid climate, you might be familiar with chaffing! Whether in the middle of DisneyWorld or the middle of a humid jungle, it strikes, and you’ll do anything to stop it! Carrying a small tube of diaper rash cream seems laughable…until actually desperately needed. The thick protection and anti-inflammatory ingredients provide cooling relief and save you from doing the duck waddle that we’ve all done!

Concealed Emergency Funds

There are pickpockets everywhere. Being safe and smart with your money and devices is crucial. However, if you find yourself a victim, having an emergency backup that you don’t carry on your person is smart. Hide it somewhere safe in your backpack, luggage, or another discreet spot. This emergency stash should have some cash and a backup credit card in case you get in a bind.


Global Debit and Credit Cards

When withdrawing local currency from foreign ATMs, our Charles Schwab debit card reimbursed all fees while skipping typical international charges. We simply notified Schwab of upcoming destinations to prevent potential account freezes.

Similarly, Capital One and select American Express credit cards avoid imposing international conversion fees.

By packing these travel assistants, jet-setting families mitigate headaches worldwide to keep global adventures rolling smoothly while creating lifelong bonding memories together!